Jordan Willard | June 1, 2015
Hair Health: The Art of the Perfect Summer Picnic Lunch, in 6 Simple Recipes
Whether you reside in the beauty of the rural countryside, or if you live in a bustling, buzzing...
Jordan Willard | May 26, 2015
Join Miss Jessie’s Co-founder, Miko Branch, for an Evening of Karaoke!
You heard right, curl friends- Tuesday nights in Harlem will never be the same again, as tonight kicks...
Jordan Willard | May 26, 2015
Hair Health: 5 Post Memorial Day Recipes
I know how you feel- it’s the Tuesday after Memorial Day, and we are all wishing we could...
Jordan Willard | May 22, 2015
Breaking the Silence on Mental Health Disorders; Miko Branch to Host Lecture on the Effects of Mental Illness in One’s Professional and Personal Life
Winter of 2014 was a particularly bleak for Miss Jessie’s and the hair care industry, as we endured...
Jordan Willard | May 12, 2015
#IamMissJessies: Bernice L. McFadden and Dr. Shirley Pierre Robertson’s Ah-Ha Moments
As we continue our celebration of the release of Miko Branch’s latest memoir and business guide, Miss Jessie’s:...