I think we can all unanimously agree that bad days are the worst! From little things like stubbing your toe, forgetting your lunch, and breaking a nail, to the big whopper stressors like getting dumped by your significant other, losing your job, or unexpectedly being forced to move to a new place, everything seems overwhelming when life throws in that obnoxious, but seemingly inevitable wrench. Well you can’t allow the bumps in the road to get you down! After all, they are the foundation of long term character development, but how does one grapple with the short term effects and aggravation of life’s little rain clouds? Well, I’ll tell you—TREAT YO SELF!

Remember the Parks and Recreation episode where Tom and Donna share that every so often they designate a day to spoil themselves with extravagant gifts—their annual TREAT YO SELF day? Well I have found that in times of strife, this philosophy translates nicely to real life, and don’t have to drop thousands of dollars on spa treatments and designer duds to spoil yourself. You also don’t have to cry over a bucket of ice cream while Facebook stalking all your exes to see who’s gotten fat, either. Here are some affordable, productive, positive, and healthy ways to take life’s lemons, and turn them into lemonade.
1. Take a Long, Warm Bath, With the Works!I’m talking, bath salts, bubbles, candles, a good book, soothing tunes, and if you are over 21, a little glass of wine doesn’t hurt either. If you are fortunate enough to have a spa tub, turn up the jets! Then just lay back and wash the grime of the day away.
2. Splurge on a Well-Balanced SnackSave a little extra cash by cooking a simple, well-balanced meal for yourself. If you aren’t a natural Julia Child’s in the kitchen, check out like
Taste of Home videos, or even YouTube. If you have a sweet tooth, opt for a light dessert like froyo, a fruity popsicle, or a yogurt parfait. Looking for some inspiration? Check out these simple recipies:
Yogurt Parfait or
Dijon Salmon Dinner.
3. Watch a Comedy Film or TV Show…They say laughter is the best medicine, so whenever I’m feeling low, my go to is just watching something hilarious. I’m currently addicted to Orange is the New Black on Netflix and reruns of the past season of The Mindy Project on Hulu. When I’m in the movie I reach for a feel-good, side splitting comedy by either Malcom D. Lee or Judd Apatow; gotta love Bridesmaids and The Best Man. It also doesn’t hurt to dive into the occasional, late night, oldie but goodie marathons of classic syndicated sitcoms!
4. At Home Mani/ PedisNow, I’m sure most of you paint your nails pretty regularly already, but to properly Treat Yo Self, you have to go all out. This means pulling out all the clippers, tweezers, files, pumice stones, favorite colored paints, and really turn your home into a little nail salon. Soak your feet in the tub as you catch up on reading that trashy romance novel, and then get really creative with your color combos and designs when you are ready to paint. Don’t consider yourself to be an expert nail artist? That’s ok!
Check out this link to a simple DIY design!
5. Do some CardioNormally my instinctive response to a bad day is curling up in a ball and gorging on fried snacks till I pass out, however this can actually be counterproductive in shaking off a funk. Getting your heart rate up and breaking a sweat naturally releases endorphins in your brain, the chemical your body produces that allows you to feel happy. If you don’t have a gym membership or running just isn’t your speed, you can work out in the privacy of your own home by streaming great workout videos right to your computer, with Hulu or YouTube.
6. Meditation or PrayerNo matter what your personal religious convictions may be, centering yourself in this way can inspire hope when you are feeling the most hopeless. Sometimes taking a quiet moment to ground yourself, can really help you gain perspective, collect your inner strength, and increase your focus the next time you get up and try again.
7. YogaNot only is this a great way to exercise, but this is a calming solution that allows you to drown out the noise of everyday life, and reconnect with yourself. It’s a sure way to give yourself a complete cleanse of the mind, body, and soul. Sign up for regular classes at your local gym or rec center classes, or if you prefer a more private experience, check the web for streamable video options .
8. Create Something!At home crafts are an excellent way to do something nice just for yourself, and the act of creating something new is incredibly relaxing, but being productive will help you focus on something else, other than your troubles. Try knitting, painting, journaling, or finally finish up that scrap book project and reminisce about happy memories. If you play an instrument, pick it up and bang out a new song- who know, it could be the next radio hit! Channeling your frustration into a creative outlet by allowing whatever bad experience to inspire you to make something beautiful, is not only healthy, but creates the potential for more success. It’s how “Blues” music has evolved from a creative way to vent, into a fundamental genres of music.
9. Hit up the beauty and stock up on goodies at your local drugstore supplies.Raiding the beauty aisles of different stores has always had a way of cheering me up. Makeovers represent a fresh start, and you don’t always need to go to a to high end boutique to do so. Even if I’m not trying to revamp my look completely, just updating my collection of crèmes, polishes, hair products, and perfumes, always makes me feel a little better. Splurge on cucumber mint facial mask, or even something small, like a new, luffa! And of course, don’t forget to stop by the hair care aisle and grab some Miss Jessie’s!
10. Don’t Forget to Smile!I know, it sounds so simple it’s silly, but did you know that physically stretching out your mouth muscles for into a minute straight a smile, actually triggers endorphins in your brain? Smiling for a couple second literally has the ability to trick your brain into believing its happy. No matter what is going on around you, smiling will make all negativity roll off your back, like water off of a duck. Smile first, and shortly after happiness will follow.
Like the old song says,
“You’ll find that life is still worth while, if you just …..smile”