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The Countdown to the Branch Sister’s Publishing Debut Continues; Miko and Titi Give 3 Tips on Starting a Successful Business from Scratch, & How to Pre-Order a Copy of Their Business Memoir Today!
Jordan Willard | March 20, 2015Only 25 more days until Miss Jessie’s- Creating a Successful Business from Scratch, Naturally finally hits bookshelves! source: Miss...
Hair Health, The Saint Patrick’s Day Edition: 5 St. Patty’s Day Dishes
Jordan Willard | March 17, 2015Happy Saint Patty’s Day curly queens! Catch the luck of the Irish in your belly this holiday, with this...
5 Tips for Transitioning: Miko Branch Talks to Essence Magazine About How to Successfully Transition Hair
Jordan Willard | March 16, 2015What is transitioning? Transitioning is a series of phases in your hair’s growth, which allows your hair to get...
Countdown to The Branch Sister’s Publishing Debut; How to Pre-Order a Copy of Miss Jessie’s – Creating a Successful Business from Scratch, Naturally Today!
Jordan Willard | March 12, 2015Though all you regulars to the Miss Jessie’s blog page may have seen me mention the upcoming release of...
Hair Health: 3 Super Sandwich Recipes
Jordan Willard | March 11, 2015Don’t get me wrong, I love a good, multi coursed meal, in which every component of the dish is...